→Update 4: epoxy + laser cutting into layers
Other projects using the assembly of laser cut parts:
https://www.figurasfondo.fr/maquette-darchitecture-en-carton-gris/ http://services.superlipopette.net/portfolio/vilaine/ https://www.sculpteo.com/blog/fr/2017/01/23/nos-employes-utilisent-la-decoupe-laser-2/ https://www.pba-auctions.com/recherche?query=ANTHONY+ROUSSEL&btOk= http://carrefour-numerique.cite-sciences.fr/fablab/wiki/doku.php?id=projets:maquette_topographique_3d (very interesting for the technique of division into layers using the software named 123D Make, an autodesk product (the same people who made fusion 360) https://autodesk-123d-make.fr.softonic.com/) I also started to learn learning about the use of epoxy:
Polyepoxides (epoxy) act as a tight barrier. Once dry, it becomes rigid and retains its shape, which makes it possible to use it to reinforce the containers which are coated with it. In addition, when the reaction mixture polymerizes, it reacts chemically with many organic or inorganic materials. This reaction makes it a glue with a good tensile factor in the presence of many materials (wood, glass, porcelain, metal, etc.).