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Rep Price

557 octets ajoutés, 19 juin 2014 à 08:31
aucun résumé de modification
|name = Rep_Price
|status = experimental
|image =
|description = fabrication de disque pour platine jouet de type Fisher Price avec boîte à musique.
|license = GPL v3.0
|contributeurs = [[contributeur::Thomas]] |matériaux ingrédients = [[materiau::PLA]],[[materiau::code]],[[materiau::Processing]], [[materiau::openSCAD]]|cadModel =
|url =
Le problème viendrait de la classe qui utilise une classe Java plus usité dans la dernière version de Processing
<tt> Event Handling has changed significantly in 2.0b7. Due to necessary changes in the OpenGL renderer, and to provide better compatibility with Android and JavaScript modes, we've added actual MouseEvent and KeyEvent classes to Processing. In previous releases, the MouseEvent and KeyEvent classes referred to the automatically imported "java.awt.MouseEvent" and "java.awt.KeyEvent". This is no longer the case, so your code will behave a little differently. The OpenGL renderer no longer uses AWT (and therefore doesn't use java.awt events), so it's a necessary change there. On Android, there's no such thing as java.awt. More details on this as I have time to write them up. </tt>
This also has implications for libraries, and the library developer pages have more information.
Je repasse donc avec succès sur Processing 1.5.1
Premier essai d'un export d'une forme simple en .STL
import unlekker.util.*;
import unlekker.modelbuilder.*;
MouseNav3D nav;
UGeometry model;
void setup () {
size(600, 600, P3D);
nav = new MouseNav3D(this);
nav.trans.set(width/2, height/2, 0);
model = Primitive.cylinder(121, 5, 100, true);
void draw() {
// call MouseNav3D transforms
public void mouseDragged() {
public void keyPressed() {
if(key=='s') {
model.writeSTL(this, "sphere.stl");

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