tableau électrique télécommandé pour performance phytoaquatique
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Fichiers source
Découpe laser capot transmutations.svg
Pour une performance faisant appel à des chauffe-ballons sans thermostat et des pompes d'aquarium, j'ai conçu un boitier permettant d'une part de mettre les personnes en sécurité (utilisation d'appareils électriques dans un environnement encombré par des aquariums), d'autre part de commander par radio des relais permettant de maintenir les chauffe-ballons à température constante.
fichier fritzing du montage Arduino à venir
class Cooker {
byte relaisPin; unsigned long decalage; unsigned long intervalle;
byte relaisEtat; byte cookingEtat; unsigned long prevMillis;
public: Cooker(byte pin, unsigned long offset, unsigned long interval) { relaisPin = pin; pinMode(relaisPin, OUTPUT);
decalage = offset; intervalle = interval; relaisEtat = LOW; cookingEtat = 0; prevMillis = 0; }
void epochUpdate() { prevMillis = millis(); }
void Update() { unsigned long currMillis = millis();
if ((cookingEtat == 0) && (relaisEtat == LOW) && (currMillis - prevMillis <= decalage)) { relaisEtat = HIGH; digitalWrite(relaisPin, relaisEtat); Serial.print(int(currMillis / 1000)); Serial.print(" ColdStart relay "); Serial.println(relaisPin); Serial.println(" to "); Serial.println(relaisEtat); } else if ((cookingEtat == 0) && (currMillis - prevMillis >= decalage)) { cookingEtat = 1; }
if ((cookingEtat) && (relaisEtat == LOW) && (currMillis - prevMillis <= intervalle)) { relaisEtat = HIGH; digitalWrite(relaisPin, relaisEtat); Serial.print(int(currMillis / 1000)); Serial.print(" Cooking relay "); Serial.println(relaisPin); Serial.println(" to "); Serial.println(relaisEtat); } else if ((cookingEtat) && (relaisEtat == HIGH) && (currMillis - prevMillis >= intervalle)) { relaisEtat = LOW; digitalWrite(relaisPin, relaisEtat); Serial.print(int(currMillis / 1000)); Serial.print(" Cooking relay "); Serial.println(relaisPin); Serial.println(" to "); Serial.println(relaisEtat); } else if ((cookingEtat) && (currMillis - prevMillis >= 10000)) { prevMillis = currMillis; Serial.print("RAZ Cooking relay "); Serial.println(relaisPin); } } void Stop() { if (relaisEtat == HIGH) { relaisEtat = LOW; } }
void Full() { if (relaisEtat == LOW) { relaisEtat = HIGH; } }
}; // constants attribution des pins // 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 19
// constantes decalage des cb avant de passer etat 2 = // 9000; 11400; 12000; 12600; // // Intervalle de chauffe durant l'etat 2 = // 1500; 1900; 2200; 3000; //
unsigned int globalState ; unsigned int prevGlobalState = 0;
unsigned long epoch = 0;
// on instancie
Cooker relais0(2, 9000, 1500); Cooker relais1(3, 11400, 1900); Cooker relais2(4, 12000, 2200); Cooker relais3(5, 12600, 3000); Cooker relais4(14, 8000, 2200); Cooker relais5(19, 14000, 3500);
/////////////// telecommande RF ///////////////
/*The following 4 pin definitions,correspond to 4 buttons on the remote control
//(The telecontroller is Remote Wireless Keynob 315MHz(SKU:FIT0355))*/
const unsigned int D1 = 8; //The digital output pin 1 of decoder chip(SC2272) const unsigned int D2 = 9; //The digital output pin 2 of decoder chip(SC2272) const unsigned int D3 = 10; //The digital output pin 3 of decoder chip(SC2272) const unsigned int D4 = 11; //The digital output pin 4 of decoder chip(SC2272) const unsigned int ledPin = 13; //Receiving indicator
volatile int stateRF = LOW;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); epoch = millis(); // pour stocker le chrono depuis le démarrage //========== RF ======================= pinMode(D4, INPUT); //Initialized to input pin, in order to read the level of //the output pins from the decoding chip pinMode(D2, INPUT); pinMode(D1, INPUT); pinMode(D3, INPUT); pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); attachInterrupt(1, blink, RISING); //Digital pin 3,interrupt 1,corresponds to //receiving interrupt pin of the decoding chip digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
void loop() {
ecouteRadio(); // la commande RF actualise l'etat global
if ((globalState == 1) || (globalState == 2)) { relais0.Update(); relais1.Update(); relais2.Update(); relais3.Update(); relais4.Update(); relais5.Update(); } else if (globalState == 0) { relais0.Stop(); relais1.Stop(); relais2.Stop(); relais3.Stop(); relais4.Stop(); relais5.Stop(); } else if (globalState == 3) { relais0.Full(); relais1.Full(); relais2.Full(); relais3.Full(); relais4.Full(); relais5.Full(); }
} /////////////// les fonctions //////////////////////
void blink()
stateRF = ! stateRF;
} ////////////////////////////////// void ecouteRadio() {
delay(1); digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Serial.print("Locked "); // Read individually output pins of the decoder chip, if ((digitalRead(D4) == 1) && (globalState != 0)) { // locked icon == stop globalState = 0; Serial.println("Locked = STOP"); } if (digitalRead(D2) == 1 && globalState != 1) { // unlocked icon == cold start globalState = 1; epoch = millis(); Serial.println("Unlocked : Cold Start"); } if (digitalRead(D1) == 1 && globalState != 2) { // blitz icon == cooking globalState = 2; Serial.println("Blitz : Cooking"); } if (digitalRead(D3) == 1 && globalState != 3) { // alarm icon == full throttle globalState = 3; Serial.println("Alarm : FULL"); } digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);