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Xbee, trottinette et Pure Data

600 octets ajoutés, 16 janvier 2013 à 01:29
Configuration xbee point à point
pour appliquer la modification CN (Exit Command Mode) ou AC (Apply Changes)
Configuration Example
As an example for a simple A/D link, a pair of RF modules could be set as follows:
Remote Configuration
DL = 0x1234
MY = 0x5678
D0 = 2
D1 = 2
IR = 0x14
IT = 5
Base Configuration
DL = 0x5678
MY = 0x1234
P0 = 2
P1 = 2
IU = 1
IA = 0x5678 (or 0xFFFF)
These settings configure the remote module to sample AD0 and AD1 once each every 20 ms. It
then buffers 5 samples each before sending them back to the base module. The base should then
receive a 32-Byte transmission (20 Bytes data and 12 Bytes framing) every 100 ms.
VR : ''Firmware Version'' nous donne la version du microprogramme <br />HV : ''Hardware version'' nous donne la version du module<br />DB : nous donne la force du signal reçus en hexadécimal bien sûr (0x58 = -88 dBm)<br />SC : nous donne la liste des cannaux <br />

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